BUKOWSKI: BORN INTO THIS (2004) [feature]
'Here's a movie that requires you to tie one on after, if not during the screening. Bukowski: Born Into This presents just about everything you want to know about the legendary author and I don't think I saw a finer film at Sundance this year. I have a new respect for the man thanks to this phenomenal film. For fans, this is a dream come true. The film is jam-packed with interviews that include Bukowski expanding on debauched tales that readers have known and loved for years. You can tell it's pretty tough on the guy and it's almost as tough on the audience to watch.
'More importantly, we get to see a different side of Charles Bukowski. Now, certainly this sensitive side has shown through in some of his writing, but did you ever think you'd see the man cry' During an interview, Bukowski reads a poem about one of his ex-girlfriends and upon mentioning her name, breaks into tears, reading the rest of the piece while weeping. I haven't been so shocked since I saw John Lydon break down while talking about Sid Vicious in The Filth and the Fury. Of course, he recomposes himself and reverts back to the Bukowski we are all familiar with blurting, 'shit, I read you the wrong poem. - Film Threat
D/P John Dullahan WS Films Transit International TD Video/Col/2002/90mins
John Dullahan's films: Bukowski: Born Into This (MIFF 2004).