COFFEE AND CIGARETTES (2004) [feature]
'When you're cool, you're cool and Coffee and Cigarettes is certified.' -Variety
US indie film icon Jim Jarmusch has assembled a remarkable group of actors and musicians, including Bill Murray, Cate Blanchett, Jack and Meg White (from The White Stripes), Tom Waits and Iggy Pop in his paean to two of society's favourite vices. Essentially a collection of 11 short films, strikingly shot in black-and-white by such acclaimed cinematographers as Robby Müller and Tom DiCillo between 1986 and 2002, Coffee and Cigarettes is suitably laid-back, often hilarious and always entertaining.
Beginning with a short, sharp, manic chat between Steven Wright and Roberto Benigni, then moving onto Steve Buscemi serving twins in a café, the film's third segment is the much celebrated pairing of Tom Waits and Iggy Pop. These two cult legends play guys who have given up smoking, but of course manage to talk themselves into lighting up. This segment won the 1993 Cannes Film Festival's Palme d'Or for short film. The eight new films that follow, covering all bases from poignant to laugh-out-loud funny, reaffirm Jarmusch's reputation as one of America's most captivating filmmakers.
D/S Jim Jarmusch P Joanna Vicente, Jason Kliot WS Fortissimo Film Sales TD 35mm/B&W/2003/96mins
Jim Jarmusch was born in Ohio, USA in 1953. Films include: Permanent Vacation (1980), Stranger Than Paradise (1983), Mystery Train (1989), Night on Earth (1991), Dead Man (1995).