Sweden (MIFF2004,Documentaries)
Kochuu: Japanese Architecture, Influence and Origin (Kochuu: Japanska Former) Sweden

A beautifully shot documentary that unfolds with Zen-like calm, offering a sublime and informative study of modern Japanese architecture, its roots in Japanese tradition and its impact on European architecture, particularly in the Nordic nations. Accompanied by rich visuals and an intriguing, minimalist electronica soundtrack by Benny Nilsen/Förlag, Touch recording artist, the film explains how contemporary Japanese architects strive to unite the culture and aesthetics of today with visions of the future along with ancient philosophies of construction that integrate nature and landscape.

Interviews with Japanese architects Tadao Ando, Kisho Kurokawa, Toyo Ito, Kazuo Shinohara and Scandinavian architects Sverre Fehn, Kristian Gullichsen and Juhani Pallasmaa are interwoven with animated sequences and images of works by Alvar Aalto, Gunnar Asplund, Arne Korsmo, Arata Isozaki, Kenzo Tange, Håkon Mjelva and Frank Lloyd Wright, all of whom belong to the sphere of influence explored in the film. A small treasury of opinion, analysis and observation coupled with fabulous images.

D/P Jesper Wachtmeister WS Telepicture Marketing L Japanese, Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish w/English subtitles TD Video/Col/2003/52mins

Jesper Wachtmeister's films include: 102 years in the Heart of Europe - a Portrait of Ernst Jünger (1998, co-dir), Bruno is Back (2001), Shakkei - Borrowed Scenery (2001).

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