UK (MIFF2004,Mooks Backbeat Music on Film)
Director: Vivek Bald
Mutiny: Asians Storm British Music

UKRebelling against racist British attitudes and a wave of skinhead violence, the 'second generation' of South Asians put the boot, and the beat, back into UK music. By the 80s, the grown children of the original Indian and Pakistani immigrants had become a force to be reckoned with, fed up with their parents' home-country-rooted traditionalism, their low profile in mainstream society and ill treatment throughout the two previous decades. Punk and then hip-hop let loose the spirit of Shiva in teenagers such as Talvin Singh, DJ State of Bengal and the musicians that would form Black Star Liner, Asian Dub Foundation and Fund^Da^Mental.

This astounding documentary, ignited by its incendiary soundtrack, delves into the cultural roots of the (Inv)Asian of UK music. South Asians began to experiment with a blend of sonic styles, as influenced by drum'n'bass and dub as they were by Punjabi Bhangra and Bollywood soundtracks. The resultant collages of culture, politics and sound have now formed one of the most vibrant and diverse musical communities on either side of the Atlantic.

'Concert footage, TV clips, interviews and more are briskly interwoven into an energetic documentary.' -Variety

Vivek Bald (aka DJ Siraiki) will perform at the Hi-Fi Bar on July 23. His visit to Melbourne is proudly supported by MOOKS. See MIFF website for details.

D Vivek Bald P Claire Shanley, Vivek Bald WS Mutiny Sounds Productions TD Video/Col/2003/79mins Vivek Bald's films include: Taxi-vala/Auto-biography (1994).

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