SCANNER DARKLY, A (2006) [feature]

(MIFF2006,Animation Gallery)
Director: Richard Linklater


Adapted from a seminal Philip K. Dick novel, Richard Linklater's strikingly animated and trippy sci-fi film, A Scanner Darkly, couples an eclectic cast with the filmmaker's extraordinary inventiveness in new animation techniques.
Furthering the same labour-intensive animation process pioneered in Waking Life, Linklater effectively creates a graphic novel come to life, the actors performing their scenes then the film footage painstakingly animated, requiring up to 500 hours to create just one minute of screen-time. Starring Keanu Reeves, Robert Downey Jr, Woody Harrelson and Winona Ryder, A Scanner Darkly follows an undercover drug agent who becomes a little too acquainted with the drug he's meant to be policing. So begins his hallucinogenic journey, where identities and loyalties are impossible to decode. The cops, his supposed friends, and even the walls are closing in on him.
Says Linklater, “In ‘77 when the book came out, it was seen as conspiracy, paranoia.
This is a science fiction movie but we all looked around and said, ‘We are living in science fiction right now.'”


D/S Richard Linklater P Anne Walker-McBay, Tommy Pallotta, Palmer West, Jonah Smith, Erwin Stoff Dist Roadshow
TD 35mm/2006/100mins

Richard Linklater was born in Texas, USA, in 1960. His films include Dazed and Confused (1993), Before Sunrise (1995), Waking Life (2001) and Tape (2001).

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