WHITE PLANET, THE (2005) [feature]
“Those who contend the jury is out on global warming aren't sitting in the same courtroom as the makers of The White Planet.” - Variety
Recounting the effects of the changing seasons on the environment of the North Pole, Thierry Ragobert and Thierry Piantanida's documentary uses breathtaking images of the flora and fauna of the arctic to accentuate its deterioration at the hands of global warming.
Their rapidly melting arctic is punctuated with several stunning set pieces showing the birth of polar bear cubs and their advent into the wild when left to fend for themselves. Along with the narration from Jean-Louis Etienne, the first man to reach the North Pole solo on foot, The White Planet features a cast of nature's critters - each of which are equally endangered in their precarious surrounds - and highlights their struggle to conform to rapidly changing surrounds.
The White Planet covers a broad expanse of land but remains focused on one main area: the preservation of this unique environment and all of its inhabitants.
D Thierry Ragobert, Thierry Piantanida P Stephane Milliére, Jean Labadie, Jean Lemire Dist Rialto L French w/English subtitles
TD 35mm/2006/86mins
Thierry Ragobert's films include Nova: Treasures of the Sunken City (1997), Peru's City of Ghosts (1999) and Nova: Lost Roman Empire (2002). Thierry Piantanida's films include La Grande Traversée (2002).