OPERA JAWA (2006) [feature]

Indonesia (MIFF2007,Neighbourhood Watch)
Director: Garin Nugroho

An epic musical drawing on the tradition of Javanese theatre, dance and music, Opera Jawa comprises multiple dance troupes and a cast of hundreds. Husband and wife Siti and Setyo are both former dancers, now labouring in an ailing earthenware business. When Setyo is called away on business, local gang leader Ludiro makes his move on Siti attempting to seduce her away from her husband. Siti, undoubtedly swayed by Ludiro's potent courtings, becomes a pawn in an escalating conflict between her husband and her suitor. A mesmerising retelling of The Abduction of Sita - a popular tale from the Hindu classic Ramayana - Opera Jawa is a feast for the eyes and ears.


D/P Garin Nugroho S Garin Nugroho, Armantono WS Pyramide Films L Bahasa Indonesian w/English subtitles TD 35mm/2006/120mins

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