Beauty Knows No Pain (1971) [feature]

USA (MIFF2007,Magnum In Motion)
Director: Elliot Erwitt

Noted for his humour, Elliott Erwitt delivers comedy of a strictly black variety in this examination of American mores. Beauty Knows No Pain takes a sharply focused look at the often merciless training of young girls becoming Rangerettes - cheerleaders at Kilgore College, Texas.

Check out the Talking Picture Session - Pictures in Motion

D/P Elliott Erwitt WS Elliott Erwitt TD betaSP/1971/26mins Think of England explores an issue that has concerned photographer Martin Parr throughout his career - the nature of Englishness. Beginning mainly with the middle classes, Parr starts off with an amicable portrait of English eccentricity but, as he moves through the working classes, reveals a note of social divisiveness. D Martin Parr P Colin Luke WS BBC TV TD betaSP/1999/49mins

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