DIRTY THREE (2007) [feature]
“They're utterly unique and absolutely world class.” - musician Nick CaveDirty Three's unique sound glides from lullaby to catharsis to full-on sensory assault - taking in all the spaces and colours in-between. Formed in Melbourne in 1993, their singular take on instrumental rock has found lovers, haters, fans and collaborators all around the world. Darcy Maine's documentary traces Dirty Three's music through interviews with Nick Cave, Steve Albini, Bobby Gillespie, Cat Power, Ed Kuepper, Noah Taylor and the band itself. Winding freely through the band's history, they open the door on the mesmerising world of this iconic Australian band.“When you're falling in love or falling out of love, their music is particularly appropriate. You can enjoy them at the best and worst of times.” - actor Noah Taylor
Check out the Talking Picture Session - Music on Screen
D/S Darcy Maine P Nick Batzias, Darcy Maine, Paul Wiegard Dist Madman TD digibeta/2007/99mins