BATTLE FOR HADITHA (2007) [feature]

UK (MIFF2008,International Panorama)
Director: Nick Broomfield

God is on all sides, but not in Haditha.

On 19 November 2005, US Marines retaliated to a bombing attack on one of their vehicles by massacring 24 Iraqi non-combatants - innocent men, women and children from the town of Haditha, where the bombing took place.

Battle for Haditha takes a fictionalised look at the lead up to the event from all sides, following the marines, the insurgents and the civilians tragically caught in the middle. Featuring several ex-marines, director Nick Broomfield blurs the lines between documentary and drama, recreating a horrific event and carefully framing each party with an impartial lens, showing that there is never a clear distinction between good and evil.

Director Nick Broomfield's documentary His Big White Self and feature Ghosts appeared at MIFF in 2007.
D/P Nick Broomfield S Nick Broomfield, Marc Hoeferlin, Anna Telford WS Hanway Films L Englsih, Arabic w/English subtitles TD 35mm/2007/93mins

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