BRIGHTER SUMMER DAY, A (1991) [feature]
"This film is so uncommonly good that Yang's other very impressive works pale beside it." - Chicago Reader
Often spoken of in terms of ‘genius' and even ‘one of the greatest films ever made', A Brighter Summer Day recounts events surrounding a shocking juvenile homicide in Taiwan in 1960, when a 13-year-old girl was stabbed to death by a former classmate. Incorporating no less than 100 speaking parts and almost as many locations, this sprawling yet methodically constructed film deftly captures the social upheaval of 60s Taiwan.
"A Brighter Summer Day was cut in Edward's study using six traditional editing machines... I saw two white boards completely scribbled over with characters of the film. I had never seen a director so meticulous. I was overwhelmed."
- editor Chen Po-Wen
D Edward Yang P Zhan Hongzhi, Yu Weiyan Yang S Hung Hung, Mingtang Lai, Alex Yang, Edward Yang WS Kailidoscope L Mandarin w/English subtitles TD 35mm/1991/237mins