YELLOW HOUSE, THE (2007) [feature]
One man's efforts to repair his broken family with yellow paint and electricity.
In the harsh landscape of Algeria, a poor Berber farming family is stunned by news of their son's death, who was killed while serving in the military. With only a motorbike and a trailer his father Mouloud travels hundreds of kilometres to collect his body, but on return finds his wife Fatima in the depths of grief and despair. Mouloud's effort to cheer her up by painting their house yellow has little effect, but when he finds a video message from his son he does everything he can to find a VCR and TV. He knows the tape will cure her - all he needs is a little electricity. Shot on location in the rugged Aures mountains of Algeria.---D/S Amor Hakkar P Celine Brotons WS Sarah Films L Berber, Arabic w/English subtitles TD 35mm/2007/86mins