New Zealand (MIFF2009,Documentaries)
Director: Leanne Pooley

“More fun than a possum up your trousers.” - Sydney Morning Herald

Twin sisters Jools and Lynda Topp are a New Zealand institution. A country singing and yodelling lesbian comedy act, they seem unlikely candidates for mainstream acceptance - but the last few decades has seen the Topps become a key feature in New Zealand's political landscape, via their particular brand of irreverent musical activism.

What at first glace appears to be yet another celebrity biopic soon reveals itself as much more: an engrossing potted history of a nation struggling through 25 years of seismic social change, as told through the involvement of the irrepressible Topp twins.

“Sometimes getting people to laugh is the most political thing you can do." - Jools Topp

--- D Leanne Pooley P Arani Cuthbert Dist Rialto Distribution TD 35mm/2009

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