QUEEN AND I, THE (2008) [feature]
An interview with an exiled Persian queen provides a three-dimensional view of the history and culture of Iran.
A candid interview teases out the nuances of a troubled nation's history, as the notoriously reclusive former queen of Iran, Farah Pahlavi, is interviewed by Iranian filmmaker-in-exile Nahid Persson Sarvestani (Prostitution Behind the Veil, MIFF 05), an ex-communist who supported the revolution that deposed the queen's rule.
Touching on both women's personal histories - and exploring their common losses - The Queen and I is a fascinating personal history of a nation, seen from two very different sides of a conflict.
“A quiet testament to the ways that human connection can trump ideological differences.” - Star
--- D/P Nahid Persson Sarvestani S Nahid Persson Sarvestani, Zinat S. Lloyd WS Shoreline Entertainment L English, Farsi w/English subtitles TD digibeta/2008