FILM IST. A GIRL & A GUN (2009) [feature]
“A film is a girl and a gun.” - D.W. Griffith
Gustav Deutsch puts the famous axiom to the test with this continuation of his Film ist. project, delivering his most stunning and erotically charged film yet. (Two previous instalments, Film ist. 1-6 and Film ist. 7-12, screened at MIFF in 2000 and 2002).
Weaving together a hypnotic mash-up of archival film from the first five decades of cinema, Deutsch splices together ethnographic films, war footage, science documentaries, explicit pornography and 1930s feature films to concoct a kaleidoscopic visual essay in five parts about love, sex, violence and death.
“Deutsch is not only a master sleuth in the film archives looking for exciting, challenging and amazing old images, he's also a master in the subtle composition of his finds into new film stories.” - Rotterdam Film Festival
--- D/S Gustav Deutsch P Loop Media, Manfred Neuwirth WS SixPackFilm L English, German w/English subtitles TD 35mm/2009