AMOS OZ: THE NATURE OF DREAMS (2009) [feature]
“A conflict begins and ends in the hearts and minds of people, not in the hilltops.” - Amos Oz
Israeli writer and journalist Amos Oz is one of the most well known proponents of peace between Israelis and Palestinians, a man whose writings are political allegory and whose speeches are a source of hope and inspiration. In The Nature of Dreams Oz reads moving passages from his memoir and speaks with philosophers and authors, from Paul Auster to Salman Rushdie.
“If you compare Israel to the magnitude of its dreams, it is a disappointment. But this is not about the nature of Israel; it's about the nature of dreams. Israel is a dream come true, and as such it is destined to taste sour - because it is fulfilled.” - Amos Oz
--- D/S Yonathan Zur, Masha Zur P Yonathan Zur, Masha Zur, Philippa Kowarsky WS Cinephil L English, Hebrew w/English subtitles TD betacamsp/2009