WORLD WITHOUT END (1953) [Feature]
World Without End shows the work being carried out in undeveloped countries by the workers of UNESCO and organiza¬tions connected with it.
First we travel to Mexico, to the island of Yunuen on Lake P'atzcuaro. The level of the lake is falling and the fish are becoming fewer. The land is losing its fertility. A team of Latin American students arrive and seek ways of improving the fishing and the farming. In the course of their work for the Indians the students learn the meaning of practical co-operation and the benefits which accrue to both sides of such partnerships. In the simple lives of the peasants, in the vivid countryside surrounding the lake, they, and the audience, meet the real Mexico.
From Mexico to Thailand: from the land whose people have known centuries of turbulence to the jungles of Thailand and the villagers of the hamlet of Ban Sang. The pressing need here is for medical aid to attack the horrible disease of yaws. Startling results following treatment with penicillin have helped in the gradual eradication of this scourge, but more people are needed to take the remedy to the outlying districts.
Throughout the film there is a breadth of vision and feeling of humanity which makes it worthy of the organisation responsible for its creation.