THE PAST THAT LIVES (1970) [Feature]
A full-length feature originally made for television, in which Dutch historian, Jacques Presser, depicts his personal life-story.
Presser is the author of “Ondergang”, a book which revolves around the liquidation of more than 100,000 Dutch Jews. His vast work, which took 15 years to write, stirred considerable attention when first published some five years ago, because it wasn't only an indictment on the Nazis, but also an accusation against the Dutch Jewish leaders at the time, whose docile collaboration with the Nazis he holds responsible for the mass deportation of Dutch Jews.
Philo Bregstein uses photographs and archive film material to illustrate Presser's story. Particularly praiseworthy is Ton van Duinhoven's masterly delivery in English, of Professor Presser's narration.