DULCINEA (1963) [Feature]
Dulcinea is based on the tragi-comedy by Gaston Baty, the grand homme of the French theatre.
Whilst on his death bead Don quixote sends the ever- faithful Sancho Panza with a letter to his beloved "Dulcinea". Sancho delivers the letter to a serving wench, Aldoza, who is so affected by the purity and poetry of the writing that she decides to seek out the Knight. Don Quixoie confesses to her that Dulcinea only existed in his imagination, thus disavowing the object of bis chivalry. Aldoza, inspired, now claims that she is Dulcinea and decides to continue the work of the good man. She devotes her life to the care of the weak and to helping the poor. Finally arrested, she is accused of witchcraft and is brought to trial before the Inquisition.