THE HANDS (1962) [Feature]
In a very small village somewhere upon the earth lived a very old man, who knew everything — an infuriating notion for the young boys of the village. They had a meeting to try and find something that the otd man would not know. The youngest boy said, "Let us go and catch a small bird. I will hold it in my hands and I will ask the old man whether the bird is alive or dead. If the old man says it is dead, I will let it fly. If he says it is alive, I will squeeze it with my hands and kill it. So we will prove that the old man does not know everything."
A hird was caught and taken to the old man, and the young boy said, "Grandfather, would you tell me please, is the bird that I have in my hands alive or dead?" "Tne old man thought for a moment and answered, "My dear boy, it is up to your hands."
This symbolic — almost abstract — film is based on the ideas expressed in this fable. The fate of man is in his own hands with which he can build or destroy.