HUGS AND KISSES (1966) [Feature]
Director: Jonas Cornell
In Ostermalm, the Toorak of Stockholm, live a glossy couple luxuriating in the world of glossy magazines, Peter Stuyvesant ads, and Swedish swish. Then another bloke turns up, a bohemian kicked out by his girl-friend. He offers to be a servant and general handyman to his old buddy. But in this day and age we've come to realize that the master-servant relationship is an ambiguous one, to say the least. . . .
For those getting a little tired of the Kafkaesque, here is the Pinteresque. Except that this sensitive and individual first film by Jonas Cornell is bitter-sweet, which is not quite the adjective one applies to Pinter.
Humour and sadness are kept in delicate equilibrium as the power shifts in this menage a trois. Cool, man.