NEON CITY (1981) [Feature]
Neon City contains five episodes, each made by a young director, taking as its topic an aspect of life in the city of Munich. Inevitably, in enterprises like this, the various episodes have marked differences in quality and impact. But the best episodes, probably those by Gisela Weilemann and Wolfgang Buld, are indications of filmmakers of great potential.
The episodes are In Love, In Bed, Insane (Gisela Weilemann), Star (Helmer von Lutzelburg), Running Blue (Dominik Graf), Panter Neuss (Johann Schmid), and Disco Satanica (Wolfgang Buld).
Neon City is a film by young people about young people for young people. It casts a glaring light on the nightly Bavarian graffiti scene, on first glance happy endings and fatal attempts to escape, on sex and crime and discopsycho-horror. Munich is a city of beautiful nightmares from which there is seldom a happy awakening. Couples, passersby, people in hotels and at home, on the street and with Saturday night fever: all of them filled with yearning, but searching for something that doesn't exist.