THE GOLD DIGGERS (1983) [Feature]
A philosophical musical exploring the mythical and economic transformation of women into gold: transferable wealth, to be alternately worshipped and plundered. The central characters are two women, each engaged in aquest to explain her own existence.
One (Colette Laffont) is, black French-woman working in a London bank; she seeks to understand the secrets and rituals of ownership that are manifested in the movement of money. The other (Julie Christie) is a popular "society" woman who tries to piece together memories of her childhood in Alaska.
Their separate quests converge surrealistically in striking images of deserted city streets and snow covered wilderness "The Gold Diggers" was made on location in England and Iceland by an all-woman crew. Sally Potter, professional singer-dancer and musician, is the director of "Thriller". Lindsay Cooper founded the Feminist Improvising Group and wrote the music for "Song of the Shirt". Rose English is a theatre designer who also acted in "Thriller".Babette Mangolte worked as cameraperson for Chantal Akerman on "Hotel Monterey", "News From Home" and "Jeanne Dieiman", and directed "What Maisie Knew". Production company, distribution: B.F.I. Production.