HOTEL NEW YORK (1984) [Feature]
This is the final version of "New York" shown by Jackie Kaynal in 1980 as a work-in-progress. It is now the story of Loulou Blanchot, a French filmmaker who decides to live and work in New York after having been invited to show one or her films there.
She begins to get acquainted with the city by living with a couple of lesbian punks and an outrageously exploitative landlord-played by Raynal's husband Sid Geffen (and who can say now he's not an actor!)
She shows her film at the Museum of Modern An on 53rd Street, and is bored out of her skull at the critical/theoretical barrage of a supportive New York press, which is of no use at all to her when she unsuccessfully tries to sell the movie to television executives on 57th Street. She takes a job as an editor for a porno film company on 42nd Street and continues her exploration of the city.