HAUNTERS OF THE DEEP (1984) [Feature]
The setting is Cornwall, where an abandoned tin mine is about to be reopened. Old Captain Tregellis, whose boyhood friend was killed in a mining disaster there at the turn of the century, warns against reopening the "devil's mine". When the ghost-boy appears to one of the children he too warns of disaster. Inevitably, a cave-in occurs, trapping four miners. Whilst the rescue party struggles in vain to reach the trapped men, the children, guided by the ghost-boy, locate a forgotten cliff-side entrance and begin their own search. Butin their haste the children have forgotten about the rising tide...
As it did in the 1984 London Film Festival, this exciting movie will have the audience on the edge of their seats.
"Haunters of the Deep particularly in its first half, weaves together its several plot strands in an economically lively fashion.... while the characterisations remain fairly statutory, this in itself aids the no-nonsense concentration on the story."
- Monthly Film Bulletin