USA (MIFF1986)
Director: Robert Mugge

A film about passion, commitment, art, politics, salsa music, and one man's search for America. Ruben Blades is more than just an exotic singer from Panama — an actor, lawyer, poet. musician and composer, his charismatic and energetic personality has made him not only a hero in his homeland, but anywhere where the rich and the poor, and the free and the oppressed live in conflict with each other. Ruben Blades is seen graduating with a Master of Law from Harvard's Law School. and then returning to the powerful, political Latin dance music Isalsa) he knows so well. Mugge's film follows Blades to New York's SOBs (Sounds of Brazil], to a duet with Linda Rondstadt in Los Angeles, and eventually to his native Panama where he plans to run for political office.

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