Steps (1987) [Short]
Director: Zbigniew Rybczynskii
A group of American tourists visit a Russian-like Disneyland wherein they physically interact with the famous Odessa Steps sequence from Eisenstein's Battleship Potemkin. The scenes of tourists were shot and edited live, using a complex method of matting the videotape with film footage, there was no post-production. Steps presents a unique interaction between film and video, past and present, Soviet and Western culture.
Zbigniew Rybczynski was born in Polandin 1949. After the declaration of martial law he emigrated to the US in 19S3 and that year won an Oscar for his short film Tango. In recent years most of his work has been on video Rybczynski is clearly working at the very front line of video technology and is it's leading practitioner.