A Passion Play (1991) [Short]
This first film (the only Australian short film to be invited to Cannes this year) by visual artist Tony Twigg, is a highly structured piece which uses basic animation techniques to set up a change in its structure. A tryptic of images is creatively played off against a chant which uses repetitive key phrases in which the voice becomes increasingly more urgent, then fades away invoking a sense of sadness and resignation. The music touches a deep chord within our personal and cultural history, A Passion Play moves from simple stick figures through to figurative images. The figures are intermittently overlaid onto representations of oil paintings, which provide a rich textural element. The seemingly random interplay of image and aural recitation, the use of the repetitive phrases which change in relationship to the image., and the simplicity of the film form, heightens its emotional impact in what is ultimately an extraordinary and powerful rendering of the 30 incidents that are "The Stick Story". (LA)