THE GREAT FLAUS FILM (1992) [Feature]

Australia (MIFF1992)
Director: Peter Tammer

Melbourne documentarist Peter Tammer's film about legendary local actor, film-buff, broadcaster and teacher John Flaus screens here at the Festival as a work-in-progress.

Tammer uses clips from numerous Aus­tralian films in which John has appeared, as well as verite-style sequences of Flaus, his friends and family (somewhat tantalizing for want of details as to their identities) to illus­trate the breadth of John's involvement with the independent film sector and his passion for cinema. More familiar to the mainstream audi­ence, perhaps, and amusing in this context, are clips from television ads in which Flaus appears; the legendary ads for Midas mufflers and the State Bank.

In a fascinating move, the filmmaker has also used a selection of clips from some of John's favourite films (Ford's The Searchers, Manpower by Raoul Walsh), which is self-ref­erential, both as to the movies and John's obsessions, and lend the film a particular expressiveness. The film is currently in limbo awaiting fur­ther completion funding.Peter Tammer (and hopefully John Flaus) will be on hand to answer questions after the screening.

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