Ray Mooney's play Everynight...Everynight, an insider's view of life in Pentridge Prison's notorious H Division, has assumed a near legendary status since its original production in 1978 at a small Melbourne theatre. Those who have seen the play at this or subsequent productions speak of its tremendous impact upon them. Clearly amongst these admirers is Alkinos (Alan) Tsilimidos. With his first feature film he has brought to the screen Mooney's intensely powerful vision, capturing its harsh authenticity and raw energy. Yet this impressive debut is nothing else if not totally cinematic.
To work with him, Tsilimidos assembled a crew of new faces, most of whom were working on their first feature. The cast however includes a number of experienced actors; the conviction they have brought to the roles is crucial to the film's potent dramatic power. Shot entirely on location at Geelong Prison under trying conditions, the finished product is consummately skilful and cohesive, the direction remarkably assured.
Made with virtually no money, and produced entirely independently, Tsilimidos has fashioned a dark, brooding drama that addresses the deliberate dehumanising of prisoners under a system that deprives people of their dignity, their rights and very possibly, their sanity.
Based on real events that continue to be the subject of conjecture and controversy, Everynight...Everynight provokes uncomfortable questions about our methods of imprisonment, that refuse to go away.