"Every bit as odd and intriguing as its title, Every Day God Kisses Us on the Mouth is a dark parable about a butcher driven by conflicting urges to love and kill, who in his blackest hour is unexpectedly redeemed from on high. Displaying a distinctive, original voice, a boldly rough hewn narrative style and a striking visual sense, Romanian director Sinisa Dragin creates an arrestingly murky universe, brutally grim yet lightened by bitter humour and bizarre surreal touches." - Variety
Dumitru, a butcher, has just been released from jail. But he soon resorts to his old ways. A card game with gypsies on a train gets out of hand, leading to a death. Back home, he learns that his wife is pregnant, to his brother. This leads to another murder, but not the last. Life for Dumitru is unbearable, and when he wants to die, he finds out he can't: God has a plan for him. An extraordinary film that was one of the Tiger Award winners at Rotterdam International Film Festival this year.
Sinisa Dragin (born in Kula, Yugoslavia, 1960) graduated from the Academy of Film and Drama, Bucharest, Romania in 1991. A former Reurters cameraman, Dragin has made two documentaries, The Sorrow of Black Gold (1994) and Shining in the Sun Over Tichilesti (1995). He has also made a short film, The Rain (1995) and a feature film, Long Journey by Train (1998).