HANG THE DJ (1998) [Feature]
Taking its title from the chorus of the biting three minute pop song Panic by 80s Brit band The Smiths, Hang the DJ is an examination of Ihe world of the turntabulist. Only in the 90s could a performer appropriate the work of someone else and slice it into a composition they call uniquely their own. As stated proudly on the sleeve of DJ Shadow's landmark Endtroducing... set. "No instruments were used in the recording of this album."
Behind the turntables and behind the scenes: the sounds, skills and stardom involved at the top levels of DJ fame. The cults surrounding Carl Cox, Q-Bert, Roger Sanchez, Cut Killer, Junior Vasquez, the Executioners and many more are explored through interviews with DJs and rabid fans. DJs speak of the trials involved in establishing reputations and the cut-throat nature of celebrity. This Toronto Film Festival smash showcases insider gossip, technique, knockout performance clips, slick slip-mat action and block-rockin' beats.