DOWN TERRACE (2009) [feature]
Director: Ben Wheatley
“If The Sopranos had been cooked up by Mike Leigh instead of David Chase, the result might resemble Down Terrace.” - Cinematical
This black suburban comedy from director Ben Wheatley slickly marries family drama to crime-flick to produce a cross-genre gem.
Father-and-son gangster duo Bill and Karl, released from a four-month stint in a Brighton prison, settle back into a routine of drinking, pot-smoking and crime. But there's a snitch in their midst, and the dysfunctional family of thugs are set to explode with violence.
Brimming with menace, Down Terrace stars co-writer Robin Hill alongside his real-life wife and father, and features a chilling crime clan matriarch that puts Jacki Weaver's performance in Animal Kingdom to shame.
--- D Ben Wheatley P Andy Starke S Robin Hill, Ben Wheatley Dist Madman Entertainment TD digibeta/2009 --- D Ben Wheatley P Andy Starke S Robin Hill, Ben Wheatley Dist Madman Entertainment TD digibeta/2009