Spain/France (MIFF1999)
Director: Miguel Albaladejo

At the close of the century, in the suburbs of Madrid, the highways are vicious circles leading nowhere. Manuel and his wife Paloma have a baby due any day and are preparing themselves for one of the most unusual nights of their lives. Invited to a dinner engagement at Paloma's parents, Manuel borrows a van for transport. Paloma's nagging father, always sniping about his son-in-law insists instead that he come to colled Ihe cou­ple in his showy car and complications begin...

The evening degenerates into a tangle of misun­derstandings, hitch-hiking, auto accidents, lost cars and disputes with police and civil guards. The First Night of My Life is an extravagant road movie combin­ing comedy and fantasy, farce and pathos. A magnifi­cent and auspicious debut from an exceptionally talent­ed director.

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