WHORES' GLORY (2010) [feature]

Austria (MIFF2012,TeleScope)
Director: Michael Glawogger

“Everyone believes they know something about prostitution, particularly when he or she has never been to a brothel.” - Michael Glawogger

Director Michael Glawogger takes us on a global tour of the world's oldest profession in the final instalment of his triptych on the nature of work (Megacities, MIFF 98; Workingman's Death, MIFF 05). From Bangkok's glass-walled ‘fish tank' through the multi-storey ‘City of Joy', which houses hundreds of prostitutes in Bangladesh, to Mexico's drug-ravaged La Zona, Whores' Glory offers a revealing insight into the lives of women in the sex industry.

“Glawogger must be the world's foremost visual poet of cities at night, of sodium- and strip-lights… it's a complex, multifaceted, non-judgemental study of working conditions and what it takes to survive in these environments." - Sight & Sound

Contains documentary depictions of graphic sexual activities

D/S Michael Glawogger P Erich Lackner WS The Match Factory L Thai, Bengali, Spanish w/English subtitles TD 35mm/2010

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