THE UNJUST (2010) [feature]
"Achieves a happy marriage between commercial savvy and artistic integrity in its hard-hitting depiction of Seoul as a city of corruption." - Hollywood Reporter
A massive critical and commercial success in South Korea, The Unjust is a complex crime thriller, set against the background of police and corporate corruption in contemporary Seoul.
A spate of unsolved serial killings has the Seoul public outraged. Facing mounting public pressure, the police initiate a plan to set someone up to take the fall for the crime - unleashing a chain of events that finds the city's powerful and corrupt interests pitted against one another.
Directed by popular genre director Ryoo Seung-wan (Die Bad, MIFF 2001; Crying Fist, MIFF 2005), The Unjust blends cynical social observations with dark humour, tragedy and distinctively Korean action.
D Ryoo Seung-wan P Kim Yoon-ho, Koo Bonhan S Park Hoon-jung WS CJ Entertainment L Korean w/English subtitles TD 35mm/2010