THE WOMAN (2010) [feature]
"Bizarre, crazy, offensive and incredibly well made!" - Ain't It Cool News
Chris Cleek (Sean Bridgers, Deadwood) is a small town court officer living a quiet, seemingly normal life in the heart of Maine with his beloved family. That is, until Chris discovers a feral woman roaming the woods and makes it the family's project to civilise her. But as the family's methods of forcing civility upon the woman become ever more extreme, the perverse bonds uniting them will be cast into violent relief.
A household name for horror fans, Lucky McKee (May) returns to controversy with a brutally unsettling, darkly humorous take on the seething undercurrents of the American nuclear family. The Woman has been hailed by some as a subversive masterpiece, by others as simply stomach-turning. Whatever you decide, The Woman will assuredly be one of the most talked about films at this year's Festival.
Contains scenes that may disturb
D Lucky McKee P Andrew Van Den Houten, William M. Miller, Robert Tonino S Lucky McKee, Jack Ketchum Dist Monster Pictures TD HD Cam/2010