CHILD'S POSE (2013) [feature]
Winner of the Golden Bear for Best Film at the 2013 Berlin Film Festival.
When dissatisfied, well-to-do Cornelia finds out her 34-year-old son, Barbu, has struck and killed a young child in a car accident, she goes into maternal overdrive to keep him out of jail.
Calin Peter Netzer's (Medal of Honor, MIFF 2010) Child's Pose is anchored by a phenomenal, fully rounded performance by well-known Romanian actress Luminita Gheorghiu as the loving but suffocating mother. Shot in an almost-documentary style firmly in the tradition of recent Romanian new wave cinema, and capturing detail as if it were a police procedural, this gripping family drama has a sense of urgency that is maintained through to its end.
"A deeply compassionate film about the emotionally crippling effects of loss - and an enlightening examination of contemporary Romanian society." - CineVue
D C Calin Peter Netzer P Ada Solomon S Razvan Radulescu, Calin Peter Netzer Dist Palace Films L Romanian w/English subtitles TD DCP/2013