OH BOY (2012) [feature]
"With its put-upon protagonist, black-and-white cityscape and snappy soundtrack of New Orleans-style jazz, the comedy Oh Boy inescapably brings to mind vintage Woody Allen." - Hollywood Reporter
Twenty-something Niko has dropped out of law school, but continues to cash his father's cheques. He spends his days drifting through the streets of Berlin, watching people live their lives. When his father cuts him off and his girlfriend leaves him, Niko must find his place in an increasingly bizarre world.
With a lightness of touch, Oh Boy presents a comically askew, wryly deadpan character study of a skittish but likeable young man whose universally familiar disaffection and indifference butts against the wake-up call of everyday reality. Sharply written by director Jan-Ole Gerster, the film is a witty, existential crowd-pleaser.
"With its beautiful cinematography and many references to recent history, Oh Boy is a love-letter to the city of Berlin." - Twitch
Screens with Photocopier
D/S Jan-Ole Gerster P Marcos Kantis, Alexander Wadouh Dist Madman Entertainment L German, English w/English subtitles TD DCP/2012