TELEVISION (2012) [feature]
"Farooki could be the next South-East Asian filmmaker to break out." - Hollywood Reporter
In a small, peaceful Bangladeshi town, village elder Amin, a devout Muslim, has decreed that the Koran forbids all television. But when Kumar, a Hindu schoolteacher, decides to ignore Amin's rules and purchase the village's first TV, the stage is set for a full-blown rebellion headed by the tube's most ardent fan - Amin's own son, Solaiman.
A sly riff on intergenerational politics and the importance of tradition, up-and-coming director Mostofa Sarwar Farooki's Television brings a sweet, satirical eye to the sweeping modernisation of his homeland. A rising star of the Asian film scene, Farooki presents a Bangladesh that is a sumptuously shot place of contradiction and community, where the things we most fear sometimes turn out to be the things that save us.
D/P Mostofa Sarwar Farooki S Mostofa Sarwar Farooki, Anisul Haque WS Pascale Ramonda L Bengali w/English subtitles TD DCP/2012