"A magical trip through history and memory, recounting the decades shared by these two deities of cinema." – Variety
Twenty years after the death of Federico Fellini, fellow auteur Ettore Scola (The Family, MIFF 1987) – a long-time friend and admirer – reflects on the times he spent with the great director, from their beginnings working at the same satirical magazine to their parallel careers as filmmakers in post-war Italy.
How Strange to be Named Federico is anything but a conventional biographical documentary, with Scola augmenting his testimony with clips, re-enactments, archival footage and dream sequences. The resulting film is an ode to friendship and artistic ambition, and most of all a tribute to one of world cinema's greatest figures. An essential experience for any Fellini enthusiast.
"A charming, highly original tribute to Fellini ... Ettore Scola has done the world a great service by making a lilting, smart, easy-over piece of (auto) biography." – Hollywood Reporter
For more contextual information on the film, the Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Melbourne has prepared a study guide, which you can read here.