RIGOR MORTIS (2013) [feature]

Director: Juno Mak

"An elegantly realised revitalisation of a lost mode of Hong Kong horror, with loss itself, as well as cinema's special power to preserve and even resurrect the dead, key to its elegantly eerie impact." – Sight & Sound

After appearing in the likes of Dream Home (MIFF 2010) and Revenge: A Love Story, popstar-turned-actor-turned-filmmaker Juno Mak cements his predilection for extreme Asian horror with one of the first jiang shi films (the Chinese hopping vampire genre) in over 20 years, co-produced by J-horror icon Takashi Shimizu (The Grudge).

Reuniting some of the original cast members of the classic Mr Vampire series from the ‘80s, Rigor Mortis wears its creepiness like wallpaper, centring on a Hong Kong public housing tower with occupants that run the gamut from the living to the undead.

This is moody, aesthetically special stuff that provides an education in cinema history as much as it entertains – a lavish, special-effects-laden romp into Hong Kong's supernatural cinematic tradition.

"A brave, confident and assured debut from a new independent voice in Hong Kong Cinema." – Twitch

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