"An intriguing contribution to the film-behind-the-films genre and a revealing study of ambition and vulnerability." – New Statesman
In the wake of the critical and commercial success of Drive (MIFF 2011), director Nicolas Winding Refn travelled to Thailand to shoot one of the most polarising films of recent years: the nightmarish, woozily violent Only God Forgives. Accompanying him on the trip was his wife, Liv Corfixen, who documented the project from its beginning right up until its premiere at Cannes.
Taking viewers onto the film set, into the often tense environment of the couple's apartment and along to a tarot card reading conducted by Alejandro Jodorowsky, Corfixen's documentary is both a fascinating insight into the filmmaking process and an intimate observation of an artist's frustrations, self-doubt and elation.
For more contextual information on the film, the Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Melbourne has prepared a study guide, which you can read here.