PROPHET S PREY (2015) [Feature]
"A skin-crawling chronicle of one of America's biggest criminals and the community that allowed him to flourish." – The Playlist
Warren Jeffs is the self-proclaimed prophet of the Fundamentalist Church of Latter-Day Saints, an offshoot from the more mainstream Mormonism. Jeffs ran his church like a cult, brainwashing countless women into marrying him, many of them underage. When the law caught up with him in 2004, Jeffs went on the run, playing fugitive in an elaborate game of cat-and-mouse with the authorities and landing on the FBI's Top Ten Most Wanted list.
With narration from Nick Cave and music by Cave and Warren Ellis, this chilling documentary from Oscar-nominated filmmaker Amy Berg (Deliver Us From Evil, MIFF 2006) continues her work as a true crime investigative journalist. Berg centres the film with a terrifying, sociopathic villain who embodies the power of the oppressive cult.
"Gripping all the way through … disturbing and utterly fascinating." – Hollywood Reporter
Find the book at Readings.