A BEAUTIFUL PLANET 3D (2016) [Special Event]
"Short of putting Emmanuel Lubezki through astronaut training, it's difficult to imagine more rapturously beautiful images of the Earth from orbit than those supplied by A Beautiful Planet." – Variety
Filmed by the astronauts aboard the International Space Station – after a crash course in 4K digital photography from cinematographer James Neihouse before they left the ground – A Beautiful Planet offers audiences a never-before-seen look at our home and provides a humbling and inspiring understanding not just of our planet but of our impact upon it.
Made in co-operation with NASA and narrated by Academy Award-winner Jennifer Lawrence, A Beautiful Planet continues celebrated IMAX director Toni Myers' (Blue Planet, Hubble 3D) fascination with space and humanity's place within it. Accordingly, the film features breathtaking footage of Earth and its ever-changing human footprint – from deforestation in Madagascar and the Amazon to the nighttime scenes of fracking fires in the Gulf of Mexico and glacial melting in Greenland. But its ultimate message is one of encouragement and hope. Screened in jaw-dropping IMAX 3D, this will be one of the festival's most stunning cinematic experiences.
"A Beautiful Planet captures Earth in scenes of indescribable grandeur … but [it] is more than just pretty pictures. Thoughtful and encouraging, it could change how viewers think about climate change." – Film Journal International
Please note: Due to technical reasons, this film will not have Rear Window Captioning available. Click to view a list of our captioned screenings.