LIBERATION DAY (2016) [Feature]
There are certain borders that bombastic Slovenian metal has never crossed – until now.
Laibach – longstanding ex-Yugoslavian/Slovenian rockers best known for their doom-laden interpretation of folk and pop classics (including The Sound of Music!) – have provoked all sides of the political spectrum over their three decades as an industrial act and leaders of the New Slovenian Art movement. Now, to the surprise of both the rock establishment and perhaps the entire world, they're going where no band has gone before, becoming the first ever rock act to play within the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea)!
Laibach’s tour manager Morten Traavik joins Latvian director and screenwriter Uģis Olte to document this unlikeliest of tour dates. As the band works through a needle's eye of censorship and negotiate miles of cultural difference, tensions grow along the DMZ and a countdown to war is announced. To new ears unaccustomed to amps that go all the way to 11, Liberation Day unleashes a raft of musical culture clash like no other!
'Perhaps the most spectacular cultural event of recent times, and definitely the most surprising documentary you'll see this year.' – Filmmagasinet, Norway