A deadpan German comedy that takes a tongue-in-cheek but intellectually engaging look at revolutionary politics.
Julian is a recent film school graduate, a would-be director and a communist. Failing to secure funding for his projects, he instead gets a job at an apple farm, where he meets a pair of thieving ex-museum employees and a monk who talks to animals. His real interest, however, lies with Camille – a young Canadian woman who joins him when he offers her the lead role in a non-existent movie about a Marxist utopia.
Julian Radlmaier directs and stars in this inventive, wryly amusing film which played at the 2017 Berlin Film Festival to broad critical acclaim. Both sincere and self-deprecating in its politics, Self-Criticism of a Bourgeois Dog is a surprisingly magical experience.
'Delightful … the perfect antidote to the Berlinale's occasional bouts of self-seriousness.' – Keyframe