Australia (MIFF2018,Virtual Reality)
Director: Tyson Mowarin

Journey into the modern Dreamtime stories of the western Pilbara-based Ngarluma.

Directed by award-winning Ngarluma man Tyson Mowarin, with concept art by Sutu (Mind at War, MIFF 2018), Thalu: Dreamtime is Now is a groundbreaking interactive VR experience that brings the mythology and cultural heritage of Mowarin’s people to life with the latest cutting-edge technologies.

As a spirit guide takes you to a vibrant underworld and introduces you to the traditional custodians of a land now threatened by the encroaching modern world – mining in particular – you will visit individual Thalu (sacred sites) for flora, fauna and the elements before continuing on to the world of Mingkala the Creator.

World Premiere

Users should be aware that in rare cases participation in these experiences and using this technology may involve some risks, including (but not limited to): nausea, dizziness, disorientation, visual abnormalities, injury or other discomfort

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