Eighteen-year-old Juana wants to lose her virginity. She refuses to let her wheelchair get in the way.

Having arranged a blind date online, Juana must now overcome the usual doubts and worries. But Juana hasn’t revealed her wheelchair use to Felipe, the cute boy she hopes to hook up with, so there’s an extra layer of nerves. As she prepares, she talks with her mum and texts with friends, before heading out for her big night.

Disability activist and wheelchair user Rosario Perazolo Masjoan based the script for 4 Feet: Blind Date on her own experiences (which she previously explored in a 2015 TED Talk), while director María Belén Poncio uses the immersive 360˚ experience to realistically show viewers Juana’s world from her own POV.

Users should be aware that in rare cases participation in these experiences and using this technology may involve some risks, including (but not limited to): nausea, dizziness, disorientation, visual abnormalities, injury or other discomfort.

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