Social Media Policy

Public comments on MIFF social media accounts

Therefore, on platforms with public editorial access, MIFF reserves the right to delete items which, in its reasonable opinion, are or could be perceived to be:
  • knowingly false or mischievous complaints or statements or inferences about individuals, companies or the government
  • content that is misleading, obscene, off-topic, sexist, racist, discriminatory, inciting hatred, inviting ridicule or spam
  • content that uses MIFF site for promotional or commercial purposes
  • content that breaks or encourages others to break the laws of Australia and its states and territories in any way, including breaching privacy laws; and
  • content that defames or harasses any participants and associates of MIFF site, administration, employees or volunteers.


Filmfest Limited ACN 12 006 391 902 (Filmfest) is a company that promotes cinema and screen education, principally through the Melbourne International Film Festival (MIFF), which it conducts annually. Filmfest does not warrant the accuracy of any advice, opinion, statement, representation or other information displayed on or accessible through MIFF’s social media sites. Nor does MIFF represent or warrant that the comments on the pages comply with the laws of any country outside Australia. 

MIFF is not responsible for the uptime of these platforms. The views expressed and published on MIFF by a participant, invitee, expert, guest or other person are not necessarily the views of MIFF.

MIFF accepts no responsibility arising from reliance by any person or party on any comment or information published on any MIFF social media site. Further, MIFF does not guarantee the accuracy or currency of any comment published on a MIFF social media site.

Links to external websites and users’ social media accounts are provided as a convenience to users and such sites and associated content are NOT under the control of MIFF. When links have been included, the content of these links does not and should not imply endorsement of that website, service or person by MIFF.

MIFF's privacy statement covers the use by MIFF of information it collects.

Privacy statements for the relevant channels can also be found online: